Sa., 11. Jan. 2014

Ticket Infos



IB..NOZE [ Duck Pond / =III Kollektiv / Graz
THIZZLA [ 1_cltr / NoBassNoFun Rec

FOXZILLA [ Sous Chef @ Bründl
_thailändisches kokoscurry mit tofu, jungziebel und nudeln
_bourbon slush /

Eintritt frei!

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IB..NOZE is an austrian junglist who started to spin records in 2007. His style is a widespread journey through different styles of 140 bpm bass music. Since 2009 he is a part of the BOMBACLUB KRU where he played his first shows in front of audience. Since 2010 he also is a member of DUCKPOND, a kru who brings bassmusic, dub and roots to the austrian audience. By the way the name ib..noze is a deduction of hypnotizing and has nothing to do with a nose.

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LANDFLUCHT – jeden 2. Samstag im Monat
Die Klub-Nacht im LOCAL. Aktuelle Sounds aus der urbanen Club- & Subkultur, garniert mit kulinarischen Abenteuern.
Sa. 11. 1. / Sa. 8. 2. / Sa. 8. 3. / Sa. 12. 4.